To schedule an appointment with Montclair Breast Center contact us Monday through Thursday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm or Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm.
For MRI appointments call:
Phone: (973) 746-5531
Fax: (973) 509-2031
Directions: click here
When you call, we’ll schedule your appointment and ask for your contact information, phone numbers (work and cell) and email address.

Click to view and download the forms (PDF files)
- Welcome to the Breast MRI Center
- MRI Questionnaire for Current Patients
- MRI Questionnaire for New Patients
- MRI Core Biopsy Procedure
- Informed Patient Consent Form for Core Biopsy
- Patient Instructions for MRI
- MRI Consent for IV Contrast Injection
- Financial Acknowledgement for MRI
- Core Biopsy Preparation
- Post Biopsy Patient Instruction Sheet
- Post Biopsy Patient Satisfaction Survey Sheet
- ABN Form for Medicare Patients, MRI