There’s only one way to determine your personal risk for breast cancer: Visit a breast doctor.
At Montclair Breast Center, our team of breast experts specialize in proactive healthcare for high-risk women. We offer state-of-the-art diagnostics and prevention strategies.
In many offices, general radiologists view films and general surgeons perform breast-specific procedures. Not here. Our surgeons and radiologists are dedicated solely to breast wellness and breast cancer prevention.
We are the only private facility in NJ with a fellowship-trained breast surgeon and fellowship-trained breast imager working together as a team.
At our high-risk surveillance facility, women enjoy the unique experience of personalized care linked seamlessly to the latest screening, diagnostic and preventive technologies. We’re exceptionally equipped to guide you through all your breast health decisions, especially taking measures to avoid cancerous developments and finding them quickly, should they occur.
Learning you’re at high-risk for breast cancer doesn’t have to be scary. You have the expert team at Montclair Breast Center standing beside you with answers and a plan. Our program helps people understand, reduce and manage their risk of developing breast cancer. We want what you want: to prevent breast cancer.

A Customized Program
Montclair Breast Center’s high-risk surveillance program is dedicated to helping individuals who are at high risk of developing breast cancer.
Patients at Montclair Breast Center receive a personalized plan. Assembled by our team of experts, the plan educates each woman about her personal risk factors, prevention strategies and recommended breast monitoring so that any changes can be identified early and handled immediately.
Our specialists assess your condition and treat you with the best tools available.
Patients receive customized guidance about which cancer-preventive medicines, lifestyle modifications, diet improvements and support groups might be most effective.
One of the biggest benefits for women who are at an increased risk for breast cancer is to have a proactive approach managed by a facility solely dedicated to breast health. At Montclair Breast Center, you have access to a comprehensive team of specialists knowledgeable in all areas of breast wellness, including genetics, risk-lowering drugs, breast imaging and surgery.
Together, we’re playing offense against breast cancer.
Your Appointment
At your first appointment, one of our specialists will meet with you directly. Together, we will review your personal and family history, lifestyle and possible risk factors. You will receive a comprehensive physical exam and in most cases, a 3D mammogram. We may suggest genetic testing if you have a hereditary predisposition to breast cancer.
Based on the results of the initial assessment, additional testing (such as an MRI or Ultrasound) may be recommended and completed during your appointment. Upon the conclusion of your appointment, you will receive an individualized plan for risk management.
What Specialized Services Do You Offer?
Services are performed at our freestanding “private hospital,” and include:
- Advanced screening methods including 3D mammography, ultrasound and MRI
- 1-on-1 access to board-certified and fellowship-trained breast surgeons and radiologists, following an in-depth evaluation
- Informative consultations and clinical, physical breast exams by one of our Breast Surgeons
- Genetic counseling and testing with a board-certified Physician Assistant (PA)
- Biopsies
- Surgery
Please find our full list of services here.